President of the Michael Kováts Friendship Society Zoltán Pintér and HF Executive Director Anna Smith Lacey
This year marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Michael Fabriczy Kováts, the Hungarian hussar, “father of the US cavalry”. In celebration, the Karcag-based Michael Kováts Friendship Society, the DC-based Kossuth Foundation, and the Hungary Foundation signed a cooperation agreement to preserve and promote his legacy in Hungary and in the US.

Michael Kovats de Fabriczy
Colonel Kováts’ role in the American Revolutionary War is often overlooked, but he played a vital role in organizing and leading the American cavalry units in the southern theater of war, where the Americans were weakest. His British opponent even remarked that Kováts’ units were “the best cavalry the rebels ever had”. Eventually, Kováts gave his life for the cause, dying on the battlefield of Charleston, South Carolina in 1779.
His memory is preserved by a square and playground in New York, an equestrian statue in Washington DC, a bronze memorial in Charleston, South Carolina, a mural in Pennsylvania, his letter to Benjamin Franklin volunteering his military service to fight for American freedom is held among the he “Franklin Papers” at the Library of the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia.
Through existing and new programs, the Hungary Foundation will increase awareness in the US of Kováts’ heroic example, and the historic roots of Hungarian-American military cooperation. His legacy is an inspiring example of heroism, perseverance, and commitment to liberty.
Many thanks to Zoltán Pintér, László Örlős, and Sándor Végh for joining forces in this exciting initiative.
If you have a suggestion or idea related to this anniversary, or if you know of any traces or landmarks related to Kováts please reach out to us at hf@hungaryfoundation.org