2024 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Michael Fabriczy Kováts, “father of the US cavalry”. In celebration, the Karcag-based Michael Kováts Friendship Society (represented by Zoltán Pintér and László Örlős), the DC-based Kossuth Foundation (represented by Sándor Végh) and the Hungary Foundation (represented by Anna Smith Lacey) signed a cooperation agreement to preserve and promote his legacy in Hungary and in the US and form the Michael Kovats Memorial Committee. Colonel Kováts played a vital role in organizing and leading the American cavalry units in the southern theater of war, where the Americans were weakest. His British opponent even remarked that Kováts’ units were “the best cavalry the rebels ever had”. Kováts eventually gave his life for the cause of liberty, he died at the battle of Charleston, South Carolina on May 11, 1779. Through existing and new programs, the Hungary Foundation will increase awareness in the US of Kováts’ heroic example, and the historic roots of Hungarian-American military cooperation.
Kovats’ legacy is an inspiring example of heroism, perseverance, and commitment to liberty.
— Jimmy Carter
A famous Hungarian to who American history owes so much.— Ronald Reagan
Living and dying on his horse, an animal known for its strength and free spirit, Kováts exemplified the characteristics of the chargers who carried him into battle throughout his career: stamina, steadfastness, heart, and courage, an independent mind following the bugle call for “golden freedom.” — Renée Critcher Lyons
Because of their contributions to the American army and the sacrifices they made on the battlefields of Charleston and Savannah, Pułaski and Kováts remain enduring sources of pride for Americans of Polish and Hungarian descent.— Ethan S Rafuse
“If there ever was a chapter for Hungarian Hussar officers in the imaginary golden book of famous military figures, Colonel Commandant Michael Kováts de Fabriczy would probably be included. This volume is a tribute to Mihály Kováts and to the earlier work of researchers who have explored his life. At the same time, it opens a window into the world of the 18th century Hussar officer, through which we can follow the logic of the times and the rise of an ambitious and talented warrior. No new scholarly volume on our hero has been published for nearly four decades. The improved accessibility of archives at home and abroad (Austrian, German, American) and the emergence of new research materials and sources have made it possible to expand the exploration of Kováts’ life.

Dr Zoltán Árpád Pintér’s Book on Michael Fabriczy Kováts by Zrínyi Press
Product data
Cover: 244 pages
Size: 20 × 26 cm
Language: English and Hungarian
Binding: Hardcover
Author: Pintér Zoltán Árpád
ISBN 978 963 327 808 6
Year of publication 2021
Michael Kovats Memorials Across the United States
- De Kovats Triangle and Playground – New York City, NY
- Michael de Kovats Equestrian Bronze Relief by Alexander Finta (New York Historical Society) – New York City, NY
- Michael Kovats de Fabricy Equestrian Statue by Paul Takacs (Embassy of Hungary) – Washington, DC
- Equestrian Statuette by Alexander Finta (Society of the Cincinnati) – Washington, DC
- Portrait of Michael Kovats (Kossuth Foundation) – Washington, DC
- Bronze Memorial Relief by Alexander Finta (The Citadel) – Charleston, SC
- Painting of Kovats Charge Reenactment by Ilona Bodo (Daniel Library of the Citadel) – Charleston, SC
- Mural of Pulaski and His Officers (Historic Hotel Bethlehem) – Betlehem, PA
- Kovats’ Letter to Benjamin Franklin (Library of the American Philosophical Society) – Philadelphia, PA
- Permanent Exhibit on Michael Kovats (Cleveland Hungarian Museum) – Cleveland, OH
- Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats Medal of Freedom (American Hungarian Federation) – Washington, DC
- Col Commandant Michael de Kovats of Hungary Bicentennial Coin (City of Charleston) – Charleston, SC
- Historic Marker Michael Kovats de Fabricy (Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon) – Charleston, SC
- SS Michael de Kovats World War II Liberty Ship
Literature and Music
- Portrait of a Soldier: A play in one act by Anna Egyud
- Apotheosis of Col. Commandant Michael Kovats de Fabricy: A play in three acts by Alexander Finta
- Col. de Kovats March by László Szabó, music by Gyula Horváth
- Kováts Festival March by Alexander Finta, music by Francis Gromon
Books and Resources on the Life of Michael Kovats
- Michael Fabriczy Kovats by Dr. Zoltán Pintér
- Az amerikai függetlenségi háború magyar hőse: Kováts Mihály ezredes élete, 1724-1779 by Aladár Póka-Pivny and József Zachar
- Foreign-born American Patriots by Renée Critcher Lyons
- Soldier of Liberty by Clarence A Manning
- Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats de Fabricy of the Pulaski Legion by Elemer Bakó
- The Two Horsemen of the Revolution by Ethan S Rafuse
- The Hussar Who Fought and Died for America’s Freedom by Anna Smith Lacey and Marc Wheat
- Honoring a Hero of the American Revolution by DAR
- Most Faithful Unto Death by Lili Zemplényi
- The Forgotten Hungarian Origins of the Pulaski Banner by László Örlős
Events (Past and Upcoming)
- May 10, 2024 – Kick-off Event of Michael Kovats Memorial Year (Karcag, Hungary)
- October 25, 2024 – Commemoration and Book Launch, Kossuth House, Washington DC
- October 27, 2024 – Commemorative Panel and Book Talk, Old Exchange Building, Charleston, SC
- October 30, 2024 – Book Launch, New York City, NY
Congressional Action
H.J.Res.435 – 96th Congress (1979-1980): A joint resolution designating November 30, 1979, as “Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats Memorial Day”. Contributor: House of Representatives – Biaggi, Mario – 96th Congress Date: 1979-10-30 H.J.Res.564 – 98th Congress (1983-1984): A joint resolution designating May 11, 1984, as “Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats Memorial Day”. Contributor: House of Representatives – Biaggi, Mario – 98th Congress Date: 1984-05-08 H.J.Res.298 – 97th Congress (1981-1982): A joint resolution designating May 11, 1982, as “Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats Memorial Day”. Contributor: House of Representatives – Biaggi, Mario – 97th Congress Date: 1981-07-01 H.J.Res.1040 – 94th Congress (1975-1976): A resolution to authorize the Committee for an American Hungarian Bicentennial Monument, Inc., to erect a monument in honor of the late Col. Michael Kovats de Farbrici … Contributor: House of Representatives – 94th Congress – Gude, Gilbert Date: 1976-08-02