HIF Scholarship Recipient Attila Farkas Presents at Southern Political Science Association’s Annual Conference

by | Feb 27, 2017 | We Proudly Support

I am very grateful for HIF’s support. It was truly amazing experience. – Attila Farkas 

The Southern Political Science Association is one of the oldest and largest political science organizations in the United States. SPSA’s annual meeting, which was held from January 12 – 14, 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana, is one of the largest gatherings of political science scholars.

Attila Farkas, a graduate student at Corvinus University of Budapest presented a paper for the first time to an international audience at SPSA. His primary research area focuses on the radical right and radicalism.

This was my first conference abroad. I had a chance to look into how the researchers in the United States are writing scientific papers which is important, because political science is the most advanced in the United States. I have heard new approaches and research methods. It was a great opportunity. – Attila Farkas 


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