Call for Applications: 2019 Summer Széll Kálmán Public Policy Fellowship 

by | Dec 5, 2018 | Applications, News, Past Applications

Call for Applications
2019 Summer 
Széll Kálmán Public Policy Fellowship 
Application Deadline – January 15, 2019

Applications are now open for the 2019 Summer Széll Kálmán Public Policy Fellowship – a full scholarship for students from Hungary to participate in The Fund for American Studies summer programs in Washington DC.

The two month summer program includes an internship placement in Washington DC, academic credit from George Mason University, housing  in the heart of DC on George Washington University’s campus, a variety of guest lectures and briefings, as well as opportunities for professional development and networking.

The scholarship covers full tuition and a living stipend for the duration of the program. The application deadline for Hungarian students is January 15, 2019.


Live, Learn, Intern in Washington DC

TFAS’ summer programs in Washington enable students to get a firsthand look at the American system of government by living, learning, and interning in DC for the summer program held June 8 – August 2, 2019. Hungarian students can apply for full scholarships for the following program tracks:

LIVE: Furnished housing on George Washington University’s campus, just steps from the White House and Department of State, as well as the Foggy Bottom Metrorail station.

LEARN: Academic courses  in economics, international affairs and government with transferable credit (6 credits) through George Mason University. GMU was recently named one of the top 100 research universities in the U.S. by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Classes are held in state-of-the-art facilities at George Mason University’s Arlington campus, conveniently located just four Metro stops away from student housing.

INTERN: Internships for approximately 30 hours per week with public policy groups, non profit organizations, and think tanks throughout the Washington area. Each site is accessible to public transportation, making it easy to get from home to work to class and back again.

CONNECT: Site briefings at key Washington institutions, guest lectures featuring policy experts, networking events with experts in journalism, business, public policy, international affairs and the nonprofit sector who engage students in weekly dialogues held on campus and at locations such as the World Bank and Capitol Hill.

Scholarship and Application Information

The Széll Kálmán Public Policy Fellowship, through the support of the Hungary Foundation is a full scholarship covering program tuition and housing, and a modest living stipend to go toward meals and personal expenses while in the United States. The opportunity is open for young Hungarian citizens currently enrolled at a Hungarian university or recent graduates. This scholarship is for B.A. as well as M.A. level students.

All students must complete the online application available at and follow the specific application instructions for international students. Detailed information may be found here:

The application deadline for Hungarian students is January 15, 2019.

Questions regarding the programs or the application process may be directed Mary Stankus, Recruitment and Admissions Director, at or 202-986-0384.

Special Requirements for Hungarian Students

Hungarian students accepted into program under the scholarship will be required to complete supplementary reading prior to their arrival and participate in extracurricular discussions focusing American government and the history of Hungarian-American relations. Upon the successful completion of the program, Hungarian program participants will be matched with a mentor in Hungary upon completion of the program to help guide their future professional pursuits.

The scholarship is named after former Hungarian prime minister, finance minister, and member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Széll Kálmán, whose governing philosophy and motto was “law, rights and truth.”


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