New partnership with the Transatlantic Academy

by | Dec 9, 2013 | News

The Hungary Foundation begins a new partnership with the Transatlantic Academy

The Hungary Foundation begins a new partnership with the Transatlantic Academy. The Academy will establish a Hungarian Public Policy Fellowship and will organize workshops to deepen the dialog between Hungary and the United States.

The Hungarian Initiatives Foundation has begun a new partnership with the Transatlantic Academy, a research institute based at the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington, DC. The Transatlantic Academy is currently engaged in a research project focused on the Future of the Liberal International Order, and with this support the Hungarian Initiatives Foundation will ensure that Hungarian perspectives will be brought to bear on this topic.

“We are pleased to be able to have a Hungarian voice in our research efforts which will bring a perspective on the transatlantic relationship from Central Europe. This new relationship will also allow the Academy to increase its presence in the region through workshops and the exchange of people,” said Stephen Szabo, executive director of the Transatlantic Academy. “This is a great opportunity for Hungary to become more involved in the public policy dialog regarding important aspects of the transatlantic relationship,“ said Dr. Tamás Fellegi, President/CEO of HIF.

The Transatlantic Academy will establish a Hungarian Public Policy Fellowship, which will bring in a Hungarian fellow to work in residence in the Academy for a three-month period during the current, 2013-2014 fellowship year. This fellowship is intended to broaden and deepen the involvement of Hungarian journalists, policy analysts and public officials in the work of the Academy. The Hungarian Public Policy Fellow will interact with the resident Academy fellows and others in the Washington academic and policy communities, and author papers for the Academy and make public presentations to policy audiences on behalf of the Academy in Washington and in Budapest.

The Transatlantic Academy is an initiative of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius of Germany, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. It is devoted to creating common approaches to the long-term challenges facing Europe and North America. The Academy does this by each year bringing together scholars, policy experts, and authors from both sides of the Atlantic and from different disciplinary perspectives to research and analyze a distinct policy theme of transatlantic interest. Working together from a collaborative and interdisciplinary perspective, Academy fellows bridge the Atlantic academic and policy communities, and use research, publications, and seminars to develop policy-relevant contributions to critical debates in North America and Europe.

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