Dr Mónika Mercz
Mónika Mercz started her Post-Graduate Visiting Research Fellowship in the US in September 2024, as a part of the Liberty Bridge Program established by the Hungary Foundation. During her stay at the GW Competition & Innovation Lab, she will conduct reserach about how artificial intelligence can be used to strengthen child protection efforts.
Mónika got her law degree at the University of Miskolc, with a specialization as an English legal translator, and completed a course in AI and Law at the University of Lisbon. She is pursuing a PhD at the Doctoral School of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, where her research topic examines how constitutional identity manifests itself in essential state functions of the Member States of the European Union.
“I have always been passionate about protecting children and facilitating better life circumstances for them. I believe that the future of countries – both Hungary and the US – hinges on this new generation, who will grow up, work, and live in a world quite different from our own.” – Dr. Mónika Mercz
Mónika has over fifty scientific publications and was invited to present her research at several national and international conferences including the Hungarian Lawyers Association’s 45th Congress of Lawyers, the MIPRO Conference in Opatija, and many others.
Mónika has been involved in a number of international research projects, dealing with topics of constitutional law and EU law, as well as AI-related topics. Her active participation in such projects has resulted in the publication of several papers in journals, and a soon-available textbook for law students, where she is co-writing a chapter on data protection issues.
“The race to regulate and utilize AI is a topic in need of in-depth professional discussion. Its influence on several aspects of society, including competitiveness, national security and social issues is vast. My Fellowship to the US will allow me to better understand the challenges we are facing, and to focus on a small, but essential part of them.” – Dr. Mónika Mercz
She is a founding editor of Constitutional Discourse, leading the Privacy & Data Protection column. She is currently the international director of Central European Lawyers Initiative, was previously the Secretary General of The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) Miskolc (2020-2022), and is a member of Aurum Foundation, Hungarian Lawyers Association, the Hungarian Association of Competition Law, and the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Hungary. In all of these initiatives, she organizes professional events, participates in table talks, and arranges social gatherings, as she believes that building a community is a key element of both professional and personal life.
She has been a junior researcher at the Public Law Center of Mathias Corvinus Collegium and has gained essential experience working for the Hungarian Competition Authority, The National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, the Office of the National Assembly, the Miskolc Regional Court, and as a mentor at Károli Gáspár University’s Bocskai István College of Excellence’s Public Law Center.
She likes to spend her free time with her family and friends, her hobby is writing poetry. Numerous works of hers have already been published both online and in printed collections of poems.
„My hope is that through my research fellowship, I will be able to build bridges between the different viewpoints of Hungarian, European and US professionals.” – Dr. Mónika Mercz