Meet Zsombor Verkmann, Széll Kálmán Public Policy Fellow

by | Oct 22, 2021 | News

Zsombor is spending 3 months in Washington DC, taking part in  The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) program as a Széll Kálmán Fellowship recipient, supported by the Hungary Foundation. During his first month in D.C., he enjoyed exploring the city and meeting people from all corners of the globe. He is excited to take classes at George Mason University and he especially enjoys his Public Policy Course, where he can have discussions with former White House and Capitol staff on current and past public policy issues.

Zsombor Verkmann

“From talking with former refugees from Venezuela to debating with a former member of Congress this program has been an absolutely amazing opportunity to meet an incredibly diverse and gifted group of people from whom I am constantly learning a great deal” – Zsombor Verkmann

Zsombor is part of the Leadership and American Presidency track at TFAS where he is focusing on leadership lessons through the examples of former presidents and on economic public policy. As part of the program, he will have small group classes with prestigious professors who hold experience in many different US governmental agencies and bureaus. As an economist, who pursued his undergraduate Economics degree (2018-2021) at the University of Cambridge with a focus on Development Economics, he is about to explore the practical applications of economics in the formulation of public policy.

“After learning for the past 3 years how public policy should be made according to the textbooks it is amazing to see how public policy is formulated in real life in the public policy capital of the word” – Zsombor Verkmann

Zsombor Verkmann

He’s excited about her packed fall schedule with numerous opportunities to engage with people working in the economic policy-making sector. As part of his program, he is researching how trade has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and how the proposed global minimum tax and DST taxes are expected to affect the world economy at ATR Foundation.

After the program, Zsombor will take a gap year before pursuing his Master’s degree in developmental economics. In his gap year, he plans to work in management consulting to gather private sector experience. During his Master’s degree in Development Economics, he hopes to use the experience he has gathered on how public policy is made in practice during his time in Washington D.C.

“Doing my daily jogs between the US Capitol, the White House and the Lincoln Memorial has been an absolutely amazing experience” – Zsombor Verkmann

Besides his courses and events with TFAS and ATR Foundation, Zsombor is also excited to take part in the programs that the Hungary Foundation is organizing for the Széll Kálmán fellows, as well as getting to know the Hungarian community in Washington DC.

About the Széll Kálmán Public Policy Fellowship

The 2021 Fall Széll Kálmán Public Policy Fellowship is a full scholarship for students from Hungary to participate in The Fund for American Studies summer programs in Washington DC.

The 15-week program includes an internship placement in Washington DC, academic credit from George Mason University, housing in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, DC a variety of guest lectures and briefings, as well as opportunities for professional development and networking. HF’s scholarship covers full tuition and a living stipend for the duration of the program.



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