The Hungary Foundation invites applications for “Hungarian Language Education” Grants
Interested organizations can apply for grants up to $8,000 until June 6, 2014 for “Hungarian Language Education” projects that are in line with and advance the fundamental mission of HIF.
The Hungary Foundation invites interested US-based 501(c)(3) organizations to apply for “Hungarian Language Education” grants. Our Foundation is deeply committed to strengthen the ties between the Hungarian American community and Hungary, and help Hungarian Americans rediscover and reconnect to their heritage. Language education has a critical part in this, as the number of those who speak Hungarian has been rapidly decreasing in the last few decades. HIF would like to support language education programs that target and reach out to Hungarian Americans who no longer speak the language but maintain their Hungarian identity.
The details of the application process are below. Before applying, please read our general funding policy ( and program policy (
Available grant
Applicants can request funding up to $8,000 per project. As a principle, The Hungary Foundation does not provide full funding for projects. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the project through a meaningful contribution of their own human and/or financial resources, but at least in the worth of 10% of the overall project budget.
HIF will consider a broad range of projects under the category of “Hungarian language education”, from for example developing Hungarian language education materials to starting language courses. However, projects must be in line with HIF’s mission, and must target Hungarians who no longer or barely speak the language, but would like to reconnect to their heritage to the Hungarian language.
The project must be completed until December 30, 2014.
Applicants must be US-based 501(c)(3) organizations.
Applicants must be involved in Hungarian-American community affairs and must demonstrate their involvement in their application.
Prospective grantee partners must have systems and processes for ensuring responsible management of funds. At a minimum, an organization must have basic accounting and reporting systems as well as phone and email access.
How to apply
All and any US-based 501(c)(3) organizations may submit proposals. In order to apply, please fill out the Application form that can be downloaded from our website (at the bottom of this page) and send it back via email along with the required attachments with the subject “Hungarian language Education grant application”
Please read carefully the instructions in the application form and the checklist of required attachments. It is important to complete the application form in its entirety, up to a maximum of 5 pages and to submit the required attachments.
Selection guidelines
Grantees will be selected based on the project details (clear project description, goals, expectations, work phases, budget), the expected level of outreach and impact on community building, and the project’s contribution to HIF’s mission of Hungarian American community building and educational support.
Applicants must submit their application along with the required attachments until June 6, 2014.
Grant awardees will be notified by June 30, 2014.
Should you have any questions about any aspect of this application, please contact us at hf@hungaryfoundation.orgwith the subject “Hungarian language education grant question”.
Download: HIF grant application_form_2014.docx